

In the railway field we are undertaking research and development to practically apply new city railway systems and when systems are applied in practice we evaluate the technology used from a safety and reliability perspective to determine whether the system is suitable for society or not. Another important responsibility is the development and then evaluation of conventional railway systems with the aim of making them faster and more comfortable. Railways contribute to energy conservation and are environmentally friendly. Whenever possible, please use trains for commuting to school and work, business trips, leisure and shopping.

Current Major Research Topics

  1. Research of Quantitative Safety Evaluation Techniques for Rail Systems and Accident Forecast Models
  2. Research on Higher Performance and Intelligence of Steerable Bogies
  3. Research on the Technical Evaluation of Electric Railroads that Utilize Electromagnetic Technology
  4. Research on technical assessment of gauge change train

Past Major Research Topics, etc.

  1. Study on the Intelligent Active Wheels
  2. Advanced technology of light rail transit systems

Major Testing Facilities and Devices