Traffic System Research Department

Light rail system

To ensure the safety of railways, cableways, airlines and other transportation systems, the Traffic System Research Department examines and researches the flow of traffic in addition to conducting experiments and research to improve and ensure the safety of railway and cableway facilities, carriages, and driving. In addition, the Department ensures and improves the safety of airlines through experiments and research in areas such as visual guidance systems.

Airport lighting for use
in low visibility conditions
Primary side on ground maglev railway

Principal Areas of Research in the Traffic System Research Department

  • Railways

    Steering bogie, electromagnetic technology, railway infrastructure, investigation of the cause of accidents, variable gauge change trains, etc.

  • New Railways and City Transportation Systems

    Light railway transit (LRT), linear maglev technology, traffic flow simulations, barrier-free innovations, etc.

  • Cable-driven Transportation Systems

    Vibration reduction, cable wheel load and cableway deropement prevention, etc.

  • Aviation

    Advanced surface movement, guidance and control system, visual information sending systems, etc.